SeaPort-e Experience
JRM technologies products and services are used by numerous government and industry customers throughout the Air Force, Navy, Army, DARPA, and Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (M&S CO), as well as other agencies and organizations around the world. JRM’s range of products and services, coupled with deep expertise in the sensor domain, provides the opportunity to collaboratively evolve this technology as part of the M&S research and development community in partnership with DoD, universities, and private industry through SBIR, internal R&D, and commercial funding. Among JRM Technologies most recent Service’s successes are:
- Under Phase I and Phase II SBIR Contracts, JRM has developed a realistic, physics-based, real-time simulation of the entire MH-60R sensor suite; the CV-TSC station’s main sensor control, display, and analysis hardware; and the sensor datalink. The design supports multiple scenario and sensor tier elements and provides the ability to add additional sensors with a minimum amount of complexity and cross-domain coupling.
- Under SBIR Contract JRM performed research and development toward the development of an EO/IR detection model for small boats. JRM developed an EO/IR Sensor Simulation and Perception Test-Bed (SPTB), and an image-based Target Acquisition Model with associated target and background signature metrics for FLIR detection of small boats. The SPTB provided for both full-synthetic sea-based small-boat simulation as well as innovative 3D hybrid integration of synthetic targets in field-collected background data, with no insertion or simulation artifacts.
- JRM has provided EO/IR HWIL systems support under various recent efforts and under various defense commercial contracts to deliver EO/IR Scene Stimulators for IR missile seekers. JRM has implemented advanced OTF data processing and scenario definition techniques to support synchronizing the trajectories of 3D vehicles and FLITES targets within user-defined scenarios.
For more information, contact JRM Technologies.